ISO 17025 accreditation
As far as managerial and technical requirement, AAT Laboratory operates in compliance with Norm UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories " and it is in possession of the Accreditation number 1357 emitted from ACCREDIA the 22/05/2013. Accreditation is made by verifying technical competence of the Laboratory about accredited methods; the accredited method lists are downloadable from ACCREDIA web site www.
This brand is a guarantee of technical competence in the analyzes within a complete Quality System which invests every activity of the company. Extra security for our customers, who receive reliable data complying with international regulatory requirements.
Self-control register
The Laboratory is included in the Regional List of Laboratories that carry out analyzes in the context of the self-control procedures of the food industries of Emilia Romagna Region, Regional Council, General Directorate for Health and Social Policies, Veterinary Service and Food Hygiene.
The registration number is: 008 / PC / 005 of 17 October 2012.
The list is updated every 6 months and can be consulted on the website:
Innovative SME register
AAT Srl is an innovative SME, registered in the national register
Innovative SMEs is a category of companies with special requirements of high investment in research and development, by a work team with post-graduate training level (research doctorate) and able to provide services with a high content of technological innovation.
50% of the expenditure that our customers incur for R&D projects commissioned by AAT can be recovered as a tax credit. Based on the indications of the MISE (, the tax credit is equal to 50% on incremental expenses in Research and Development, recognized up to a maximum of € 20 million / year per beneficiary.
Biological samples and AIFA determinations
AAT, already registered in the list of laboratories qualified for the analysis of biological samples in accordance with Ministerial Decree of March 19, 1998, has decided to continue the path of quality undertaken in the management of biological samples, to provide clients in the pharmaceutical world with an additional guarantee of reliable and qualified results.
AIFA Determinations 809/2015 and 415/2016 ( have thus become our reference in the management and handling of biological samples pertaining to clinical trials on drugs.