You are visiting the AAT – Advanced Analytical Technologies Srl website:
VAT, Tax Code and Registration in the Business Register of the Piacenza Chamber of Commerce under no. 01439640333, Registration in the REA of the Piacenza Chamber of Commerce under no. 162504, Share Capital € 30,000.00 i.v.
Social information
AAT – Advanced Analytical Technologies Srl was established on 07/06/2005, in Piacenza at the of Dr. Carlo Brunetti Notary’s Offica, Via IV Novembre n. 132.
This company is based in Via Paolo Majavacca 12, 29017 Fiorenzuola d’Arda (PC).
Corporate purpose: as per Chamber of Commerce survey filed at the Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA) of Piacenza.
In-house R&D expenses are equivalent to 14% of turnover in 2019.
Financial statements filed at the Chamber of Commerce of Piacenza.
Ownership of two patents in the microbiological field and two trademarks.